

rental Services 租赁服务

Daily rental 日租

If you need a car for a short period of time, we have the lowest car rental rates available and can always offer a lowest price guarantee! 如果您需要短期租车,我们有最低的租车费率,并始终提供最低价格保证!

monthly rental 月租

If you need a car for a long period of time, like more than 1 month, we can offer you almost half price rental, which is more cost effective than buying a car with an outright loan, and you are not responsible for the repair and maintenance of the car! 如果您需要长期用车,比如 1 个月以上,我们可以为您提供几乎半价的租车服务,这比直接贷款买车更划算,而且您还不用负责汽车的维修和保养!

Location 取车位置